Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Figurative Language

1. Alliteration
  • "misunderstood nor miscommunicated"

2. Satire
  • "Barry does not ask for much. He only wants to be known as the King of Accordion"
  • "His preferred repertoire are waltzes and rhumbas. At one time he played organ for roller skating rinks."
  • "Once a crown was added, response went through the royal roof."
  • "If you meet Barry in the parks of New York, say Hi and remember, he is the King of Accordion :)"

3. Allusions
  • "one may see Barry as someone akin to our friend Mark Birnbaum (with a shared passion for music), the motivations for the flamboyant dress are actually quite different, as are the men and their backgrounds."

uses links and phrases to allude to previous blog posts


  1. I like your satire. That always adds a laugh in any paper!

  2. That picture is great. :) I can't wait to read your paper.
